Christmas Lights

2:41 PM Imke 19 Comments

Happy National Christmas Jumper Day! Finally, it's acceptable to wear my big, cosy Christmas jumper, and push the button that's on the inside of the jumper, and have Jingle Bells play all the time. Yes, my jumper can play Christmas songs, and yes, I'm proud of it. I got it last year at Primark in London, and I'm still so happy with my purchase, as it't the most comfortable thing to wear ever. 

As Christmas is an over-the-top Holiday (okay, maybe not su much over here in Europe, but let's go the American way), I decided that sound only isn't enough - a true Christmas look needs some lights too. That's why I decided to pair this jumper with my newest pair of shoes, my white sneakers with LED lights in the sole. I got them off AliExpress on the 11.11 super sale, and I was so happy upon their arrival, as they fit like a glove, and I'm in love with the bright lights in the bottom. After charging the shoes, I immediately put them on, discovered that there's a disco function on these shoes, and decided that from now on I'll always go out on Saturday wearing these shoes! 

What do you think of this look? Perfect Christmas outfit or a little too much? What's your ultimate Christmas outfit? And aren't these shoes just the best? I'm still in awe of them!

Jumper - Primark
Jeans - Hollister
Shoes - AliExpress

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