Pink fluff

11:05 PM Imke 21 Comments

As you all probably know by now, I have a slight obsession with pink, and ever since I started watching Scream Queens, I've been lusting over pastel coloured faux fur. When in Primark earlier this week, I stumbled upon this gorgeous pink furry stole, and fell in love - big, pastel pink and as fluffy as it could get, for 10 euros this baby was mine! To tone down the Legally Blonde vibe a bit, I decided to go with an all-black look and a leather jacket.

What do you think of my pink fluff? How would you combine a faux fur stole?

Trend colours - #2: White

8:00 AM Imke 35 Comments

After my first colour trend report earlier on the blog (read it here), it's time for trend colour number two: white.

The Wedding

12:21 AM Imke 23 Comments

First of all I wanted to thank you all for reading and commenting my last blogpost about the Paris attacks - it's simply hart-warming to see much love and support spread, and it gives me hope for the futures we're welcoming <3 Now back to an entire different subject...

As anticipated in several posts literally months ago, the weekend of the 7th of November, there was The Big Day, also known as the wedding of my boyfriend's Dad. I went back home to Belgium for the weekend, and had the most wonderful time, spending time with my family, my love, and his family. Saturday was wedding and we started with an early call - I woke up at 6:30 in order to get my make-up, hair and outfit done in time before going for breakfast with champagne with the bride, the groom & the closest family members. 

Pray for Paris

1:35 PM Imke 23 Comments

I was scanning through old books, happily talking to my friend about all things nice, and reliving childhood memories while typing away on the vintage typewriter in Shakespeare & Company when one of the bookstore's vendors rushed upstairs, and announced the following: "There are terrorist attacks all over Paris going on right now, we're evacuating the building this instant, the shop is closing. Please go home immediately, unless you live in the north or the east, then do ask friends or family to host you. Be safe, this is serious...". I can't describe how I felt at that moment, only that my heart started racing like crazy, and the few people left in the store, my friend and I looked at each-other uncomprehenisvely - how could this have happened? How could my safe haven yet again be the victim of terrorists? 

Sk8er Boi

2:55 PM Imke 29 Comments

Other nineties kids on here will most defenitely remember back when Avril Lavigne was still a rock chick and dominating all music hitlists, and in particular her song 'Sk8er Boi'. Re-listening this song while typing this and oh my, it still kicks ass and takes me back to many years ago, when I wished I was just half as cool as Avril Lavigne. 

And every time I read or hear fashion term 'skater skirt', my head automatically goes "I'm with the skater boy I said see ya later boy" so hence the title of this post. Secretely I'm hoping I'm not the only one that makes this link, haha! 

Scream Queens

4:54 PM Imke 30 Comments

As a big fan of Emma Roberts (role-model!) I've been wanting to see the new series 'Scream Queens' ever since its release was announced. Unfortunately, lack of time didn't allow me to watch from the pilot release on, but I'm proud to say I just finished catching up with the first seven episodes, inbetween all things going in life right now. And I must admit, it was just as I had anticipated - I'm hooked my dear readers, on this amazing series that sets the perfect mix between horror, comedy and chick flick. 


5:08 PM Imke 22 Comments

Those who follow me on Instagram might have noticed already that I'm back in Paris after my London adventure and Belgian summer straight after. I had the loveliest time abroad and back home with my family, but it also feels amazingly good to be back here in Paris - it's like coming home to be here again.