Monkey Business

4:00 AM Imke 52 Comments

I might be 21 now, but I can still be quite the child sometimes. For example, that time we were in Regent's Park, and the weather was lovely. Everyone was taking cheesy smiling photos with the blooming cherry trees, but I decided to take a jump and pretend to be a monkey for a bit. My sister snapped this picture without me noticing, and I actually like it, as it shows how happy and blessed I felt, reunited with my parents, sister and boyriend, with the sun out and a new outfit on. When I spotted this jumpsuit at Lispy London, and tried it on, I immediately knew it was to be mine.

Oh, and we made 'normal' outfit photos too, in which I look equally happy, but where I'm not hanging in a tree. I'm actually so happy with this new trench I got; it's perfect for this confusing English weather where it's still too cold in the morning to go out without a coat, but the sun comes out during the day, and you don't want to sweat to death in a warm coat. Honestly, a woman can never own too many trenchcoats.

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