Breaking news: wearing trousers

11:13 PM Imke 13 Comments

Breaking news! The end is near, exams are almost over! Today I had my last heavy course, and Wednesday is the very last day of exams. The last one is English, so that's gotta be an easy one! It's been a very hard week last week, I haven't slept for more than 6 hours in weeks but still I try to keep my head up. Exams have their advantages as well, even though they're limited, and I liked it when my and my friends here at our dig studied together, very motivating. And food brings comfort as well, ofcourse!

But that's not the only breaking news... As you can see, I'M WEARING TROUSERS! First time ever since... Forever? It's very weird to see myself wearing something else than dresses and skirts but I kind of like it. I don't think I'll ever wear an actual pair of jeans, jeggins are a big deal to me already. I think I like them, because they're comfy and totally different from my usual style. I guess I'll have lots of fun combining my new jeggings! Oh, and yet again my apologies for the bad quality of the photos, there's something wrong with my camera :( Macro photos are perfectly clear, but when I use the timer, it seems to fix on anyhting but me, and I can't find a way to solve this problem... I'll work on after my exams are over :)

Sweater - H&M
Jegging - 3Suisses

Happy New Year!

11:17 PM Imke 20 Comments

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Better late then never, so I give you all my kindest wishes for the new year. I know it 's January 13 already, but I've been incredibly busy the past weeks. I'm in the middle of my exam period, and my Christmas "break" was all about studying. I'm in my second year Communication Management now, and it's quite heavy. Luckily I had some lovely days as well, where I could take a little break of sitting at my desk all day. Christmas and New Year's were amazing, visiting family - cosy and lovely. I didn't see my loved ones that often, but when I saw them, we had a wonderful time. Those who liked my Facebook page might have seen my 2013 message, but I'll share it here as well: Thank you, my lovely readers, for the past year full of your endless support & lovely comments. You make it worth blogging, and your comments make my day, everyday. Thank you, and I wish you all a very happy New Year. I hope all your dreams & wishes will come true! 

I know it's kind of silly to tell you guys all of this two weeks late, but those who have exams right now understand me I think. It's been really hard, and I'm just halfway, and time passes by so quickly, I didn't even notice it was the 13th already, haha! Oh, and this dress is a new piece, I found it at Vero Moda when I went pity shopping after a very difficult exam. Shopping always makes me feel better. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break, and to those studying: I know your feeling!