
10:29 PM Imke 45 Comments

Sorry it's been such a long time since the last time I posted, but I've been very busy with school and stuff. My days are way too long, as I have a very  very very busy schedule. Lessons from 8:15 till 18:15, like today, it's so tiring. Luckily, I have amazing digmates, whom can cheer me up when I get back from school. Two other things that made me happy were the arrival of my new Firmoo glasses, and my Deatly Hallows necklace. As you know, I'm a giant Harry Potter fan, so I was so happy to see those had arrived when I got home after such a long day. 

Also, I found my new glasses very interesting. They're quite Lennon and Gaga at the same time, and I like them! Their quality is very good, and it got delivered with a good packaging. I hope you like them as well, and you can take a look on their site via this link. They offer free glasses if it's your first buy, you only have to pay shipping. Quite interesting huh? Got excitid? They arrived very soon, within the week of something, so I'm happy about them. And sorry again for not updating for more than a week. School is very hard right now.

Glasses - Firmoo
Dress - H&M
Necklace - eBay

New Sweater

3:09 PM Imke 50 Comments

Here it is, my brand new sweater. It still smells like Hollister, I like it! It's not that easy to combine in my opinion, but this combo turned out pretty well. I like this shade of purple, especially against grey, and as autumn has hit Belgium, the time has come to wear my thick tights. You know I'm a fan of mint green, and I thought this minty blouse gave this look a preppy twist. Also, I'm curious about tomorrow! It's my little sister's birthday,  she turns fifteen already, and I hope she'll like the gift I got her! Can't tell you, as she reads this, but I hope she'll be happy. Via this way I say: happy early birthday wishes! 

Emmy Wieleman

9:51 PM Imke 38 Comments

Hello my lovely readers! Don't you love my new purse? I really like its colour and vintage style, and I think it suits so many outfits. Burgundy is one of my favourite colours for this winter. Also, I went out for a little shopping with my Mum today, they had quite a lot of lovely stuff! I bought one amazing sweater at Hollister. I don't really know how to describe it, besides telling you it's gray, so I guess you will see it in an outfit post very soon! I'm very happy with it and I want to cuddle with it. I had a lovely day, one of the last times I'll be able to relax all day, as school starts again next week. Now I'm going to cuddle with my lovely cat Jef, don't you love cuddling?

Dress - InWear
Purse - Emmy Wieleman

Giveaway Results

12:12 PM Imke 41 Comments

I proudly announce the winners of my give-away in this blogpost! It's unbelievable how many people participated, thank you so much my lovely readers! These are the winners of the give-away:
  • Adriana Morales
  • Samantha Tedesco 
  • Lyndsay Rullman
  • Kathy Pease
  • Susan Moaks
  • Lieschen
  • Mona Zavala
  • Vanessa Martinez 
  • Skye Kumi 
  • Renee Walters
All of you will be contacted by Alice from DinoDirect and she will give you the details about how to receive the dress. Thank you again for participating!

Furthermore, today is my very first competitive volleyball match! I look forward to it, and I really hope we win! Think of me this afternoon... In honor of the first match, I dug up something from my closet I rarely wear: my mint-green tights. As the weather is quite good to day (in  Belgian terms), I paired it with white, to make it a light look. 


3:52 PM Imke 27 Comments

I felt so cold today, you can't believe it! I decided to dress up warm, and have a comfy day wearing my big sweater. My boyfriend is here right now, and we had a lovely, little lazy day. We baked cupcakes together,  played Mario Kart and drank tea and I baked him an omelette for lunch. Tonight I have volleyball practice, looking forward to be sporty after being quiet! 

Tomorrow is the last day to join my give-away, so if you haven't participated yet, you have to click on this link & join! There are ten DinoDirect dresses to win. I simply can't believe how popular this give-away has been, I gained more than a 100 followers, so thank you DinoDirect, and thank you lovely readers of this blog, I really appreciate it! Every time I open my mails and see that someone started following or commented on my blog, I get so excited, it literally makes my day! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cat ²

2:56 PM Imke 43 Comments

This morning, I almost hugged the postman when he delivered an envelope with a cute little dinosaur on it. You know what store I'm referring to, right? It's DinoDirect! I ordered this sweater about 2,5 weeks ago, and it's already here, speak about fast shipping, as the site said 3-5 weeks! I just had to wear it right away, I fell in love with this sweater at first sight! You should go take a look for yourself, and check out their Facebook page as well, as there's a gigantic give-away going on. 

And speaking about give-aways, mine is still open till Friday, so if you haven't joined yet, please do so! There are ten dresses to win, and you can join until this Friday! There are three dresses you can choose from yourself, namely this leopard-printed dress, a lovely strapless tight dress or a star-printed chiffon dress, my personal favourite. There are ten dresses to win, so ten people DinoDirect I can make very happy! I hope you all join my give-away by filling in this Rafflecopter.

And now I'm off, because my best friend Chiara is coming over! She's leaving for New York City this Friday, the lucky girl, so we have to talk a lot before she's off for an amazing week! I hope you all like my new sweater & like how I combined it! And I apologize for the messy hair, I'm having a bit of a bad hair day, ugh! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


12:50 PM Imke 47 Comments

Thank you all for participating in my give-away! There are ten dresses to win, and you can join until this Friday! DinoDirect has contacted me for this lovely give-away in honour of reaching 250 followers. Thank you my dear readers for all this support, I hope I can make you happy and give something in return. There are three dresses you can choose from yourself, namely this leopard-printed dress, a lovely strapless tight dress or a star-printed chiffon dress, my personal favourite. There are ten dresses to win, so ten people DinoDirect I can make very happy! I hope you all join my give-away by filling in this Rafflecopter. 

My weekend was lots of fun, yesterday was the starting day of my volleyball team, and the weather was amazing, so it felt like a summer festival, with drinks, music, laughs and fun. We even won a price by having the most beautiful team-photo! We were very proud, and I had a lovely time with my teammates. Tomorrow is more serious, as I have to work tonight, but you know I like my job, so no problem! And I hope you like this frilly dress, I completely forgot about having it, actually, what a shame!



5:57 PM Imke 152 Comments

I proudly pronounce: my very first give-away! DinoDirect has contacted me for this lovely give-away in honour of reaching 250 followers. Thank you my dear readers for all this support, I hope I can make you happy and give something in return. There are three dresses you can choose from yourself, namely this leopard-printed dress, a lovely strapless tight dress or a star-printed chiffon dress, my personal favourite. There are ten dresses to win, so ten people DinoDirect I can make very happy! I hope you all join my give-away by filling in this Rafflecopter. Please note that it only starts on Saturday, and runs until next Friday. Spread the word!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Dress

12:57 PM Imke 40 Comments

Back to school for secondary school kids, and another three weeks of holiday to go for me! I told you about new month, new clothes, and I think this dress counts as new, as I've worn it only once before in the two years I've had it. I never was sure about the way this dress is cut, but today I woke up happy and ate some cookie dough, and I felt like wearing a happy dress. And yes, I like eating cookie dough raw, it's like a healthier version of the B&J ice-cream, you can find a recipe here. But beware, you can only eat one or two spoons of it and you're full. Nevertheless, you should try it, it's perfect to eat while reading girlish books. I'm nearly finished with Summer & The City, after that I'll read the newest Lying Game book, and today I bought The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald, and I'm looking forward to reading that masterpiece. And to those who don't know the Lying Game books by Sara Shepard: must-read! So addictive and innovative and simply amazing! I love the story-line, and no, it's not like the series. Have a lovely day! 


6:09 PM Imke 31 Comments

New month, new everything. I'm trying to find new combinations with the pieces that are in my closet, but it's getting quite hard... Which means I'll have to get new clothes. I've been strolling around online shops for some new things, and I found out that Modocat has updated its site structure, it's something I haven't seen before, go take a look for yourself! You can pick by a city's style, and as you all know, I'm a huge London fan. There's one particular piece I fell in love with immediately, and they are the studded loafers. Don't you love them as well? I love spikes, and loafers are the most comfortable shoes ever, so I'm hoping they'll be in in my size very soon, as they're amazing. And I spotted some lovely lita's as well. I discovered them quite some time ago, and I decided I need to get black lita's, preferably with spikes before the start of winter. But before I do so, here is the OOTD, wearing my Material Girl dress I got from my best friend, combined with yellow, because I felt like doing so. Now I'm going to drink some tea, because I went swimming with my volleyball teammates today, and it was so freaking cold that I still need to drink nothing but tea and soup in order to get warm, even though the weather is lovely right now. Oh, and I've some other lovely news for you! Modocat offered me a special discount code I can share with you, so you can save up to 60%! You can enter the code 'admirablypretty' when you buy something, like these pretty loafers!